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A young man in Haiti who reaches the 12th grade, or who is stuck in the 9th grade

A young man in Haiti who reaches the 12th grade, or who is stuck in the 9th grade, or who is not allowed to go on to the 12th grade or the 13th grade, is advised to learn to be a mason foreman, to lay ceramics, to make building electricity, to learn pose blocks, etc. It is something you know better than I do regarding those topics, or the young man should pursue a career as a cabinetmaker. Several sciences are involved in these things, and they should not only be taught at the level of the trades or professional disciplines. Driving down the highways of the United States, it's the people who make the great studies who work on them, who create the roads and significant buildings that we see every day. Professional scientists are the ones who construct houses, fish in the sea, work the earth, and breed. In other words, it is the people who lead the most remarkable studies and research that make these things possible.

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